Charlotte Foster
Money & Banking

Over 350k Aussies to be forced back into the office

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has vowed to end working from home arrangements for public servants, forcing them back into an office five days a week. 

The leader of the Coalition will end flexible work arrangements for federal government employees, which currently allows them to work from home for two days a week.

According to a report in the Australian Financial Review, the Coalition will also make massive job cuts, slashing about 36,000 jobs, which will save about $6 billion per year, if elected in the upcoming federal election.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese warned that the drastic move would impact frontline workers, meaning slower delivery times for Aussies on benefits, including veterans.

Opposition spokeswoman Jane Hume said the government has offered a “blank cheque to work from home” to employees, saying it was “unsustainable” and “not an arrangement that works for everyone”.

On Tuesday, 7News reporter Nick McCallum and Founding Director of Western Sydney Women, Amanda Rose, spoke with Nat Barr about the policy on Sunrise.

“Nick, would there be a revolt if public servants are ordered back to the office?” Barr asked.

“I have no doubt there would be. I actually like the policy. I think it is ridiculous that, what is it now, more than 60 per cent of federal public servants have ability to work at home,” McCallum said.

“There is a big ‘but’ to all of this: Peter Dutton, it’s a perfect policy for him to sound tough, sound Donald Trump-like, bang his chest and say ‘I am going to demand they come back’ but they’ve recently signed a workplace agreement and under that there is a presumption that they can work at home."

“All people in the public service can at least request it. There is a presumption they can do it and there is no limit on the number of days they can actually work from home."

“So, he can’t really change that until 2027 anyway. So, call me cynical but it’s a perfect policy for him but at the moment he can’t do a lot about it.”

Image credits: STEVEN MARKHAM/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock Editorial 

money & banking, Peter Dutton, working from home, jobs