Money & Banking

Readers response: What are your thoughts on the increasing use of digital payments?

While technology continues to advance, so does the way we pay for things. 

Many shopping outlets have turned to using digital payment methods rather than cash, which has divided many who find it easier to use cold hard cash than rely on technology. 

We asked our readers their thoughts on digital payments and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said. 

Joan Hughes - Couldn’t go shopping due to bad pains in my leg and back, so my grandson did an online shop. Tried to use my card 5 times but wouldn’t accept it, so had to use my granddaughter's. This is the 3rd time my card has been rejected. Rubbish system, cash is definitely best.

Johanna Shakes - Very hard to adjust for elderly.

Debra Walker - Hate it! Cash is king.

Lex Jordan - I think we should all stand and boycott these companies that don't accept cash.

Patricia Tebbit - Don't mind using cards but access to cash is imperative. Think of small charity raffles, garage sales & countless other things where cash is required.

Lyn Bradford - I love it, I use 95% card, 5% cash. So much easier. 

David Taylor - Just making it easier for hackers.

Jennifer Bucktin - Cash is best. If digital goes down, you can't use anything.

Steve Smith - The digital age is here to stay so it's going to be better for all to get used to it.

Quentin Brown - Love them both, digital and cash as it's much easier to pay bills etc. Of course you have to be smart and not gullible. Why can't we have both?

Kath Sheppard - Cash is king, a lot safer as well, can't overspend either or be charged fees.

Image credits: Shutterstock 

money & banking, digital, payment, cash, readers response