Money & Banking

Tips on re-entering the workforce

It’s becoming more and more common that Australians over 60 are getting back into some form of work after retirement. This includes everything from doing the odd handyman job to retraining and working a few days a week as a florist.

Before you get all putoff by the competition, consider this: In today’s environment people are holding positions for shorter amounts of time, which can work in your favour. Follow these steps if you’re considering re-entering the workforce.

Learn a new skill
If you were once a flight attendant chances are this time around if you’re coming out of retirement that you will be looking into something new. Decide what you’d like to do and then consider retraining in this area. Positions like a florist, child minder, library assistant, handy man, Jenny Craig consultant, property caretaker, age-care helper and so on, are great places to start. Open Universities Australia offers many free courses through Open2Study that will help you brush up on skills in these areas.

Be up-to-date with technology
Prepare to demonstrate that not only you are knowledgeable with up-to-date technology, but also that you are comfortable with learning new things. Having a professional presence on the Internet, (a personal LinkedIn profile, a blog, or articles published online) and being able to talk about trends in technology that are relevant to the job will eliminate any doubts about your ability to adapt to rapidly changing technology.

Hit the ground running
Businesses are looking for individuals who can have an immediate effect. Be prepared to demonstrate to a prospective employer how you can help the company now. Offering references and success stories from your past that show you are get-things-done kind of person is sure to make a good impact.

Exhibit confidence
Once you have decided what area you want to go into, don’t doubt yourself! The skills and experience that made you valuable when you were employed are just as valuable when you return to the workforce. Don’t be afraid to show people what you’re made of.

Look into further training
Two things that should be high on your list are training and ensuring that you are given the tools for success. Training is critical to your continued success. While you’re looking for a job, continue your study and the right thing will come along. Once you gain employment don’t stop learning – express your interest in-house training opportunities. 

Click here to read about the wide range of FREE courses offered by Open2Study.

retirement, study, Open2Study, work, open universities australia