Charlotte Foster
Money & Banking

“Truly disgraceful”: Landlord cops backlash after posting photo of evicted tenant

A landlord in Victoria has been slammed online after posting a photo of a former tenant who was evicted, and was forced to live in their car.

The picture was originally posted to the private Landlords Victoria Facebook page, but was then leaked to X (formerly Twitter), and shows an old Nissan sedan with a tarp over the top, where a person was living after getting evicted from a rental.

The landlord had described the tenant’s living situation as “karma” for the financial toll her eviction process had taken on him, claiming he dealt with years of legal battles.

He claims he was left out of pocket to the tune of “thousands of dollars”.

“Took me almost three years to get this person out of my rental,” he wrote in the post. “It seems she had trouble finding a new place to live."

“I am thousands of dollars out of pocket in legal fees and lost rent not to mention the stress and frustration with VCAT ... Looking at this karma must be real.”

The landlord added that it “must be bloody freezing” and gloated that the woman was “not (in) an enviable position”.

The landlord's post welcomed a wave of criticism, as many took aim at the landlord for broadcasting, and even taking pleasure in his former tenant's hardship. 

One social media comment accused the landlord of “publicly shaming and degrading her", while another said the post was “truly disgraceful”.

While several people were disgusted by the landlord’s lack of empathy, others defended his rights as a property owner.

“I wouldn’t want to see my tenant in that situation. But the fact is unless they pay the rent on time it won’t be me turning them out onto the street,” one person wrote. 

Image credits: X (Twitter)

money & banking, landlord, tenant, evicted