Alex O'Brien
Money & Banking

Ever lost your wallet? You’ll want to read this

Losing your wallet is not just about reporting a lost credit card. It’s everything else regarding your identity that was in it and the wallet or bag as well. 

Your wallet can contain basically every piece of information someone would need to steal you identity: date of birth, address, credit card numbers, plus all sorts of other clues.

Here are a few handy guidelines to follow in case this ever happens to you.

What you can do to find it – Sometimes the simplest of clues can yield the best results. Retrace your steps in fine detail, starting with the last place you used your wallet. Referring to your account or credit card statements may help locate the last place you went before you lost it. You may have left the wallet at the service station, a shop or on public transport.

Make your financials a priority – If you definitely can’t find your wallet, call your bank, credit union or other provider immediately to place stops on all cards that were in your wallet. This will prevent any fraudulent transactions coming through your account. You can then ask for new cards to be sent so you can get back to normal banking ASAP.

Consider getting a police report – You may need a formal record of the event — maybe not right away, but down the line if something odd happens, you’ll want it in writing. Head to your local police station and file a report in person (it’s faster than on the phone). It’s common practice and only takes a few minutes. As police work 24 hours a day, go at an off-time to get better service.

What about direct debits? – Once any lost bank or credit cards are cancelled and re-issued you may have to update your direct debit arrangements with new card numbers.

You might have direct debit arrangements for some of the following:

What about other cards and ID? – You might remember to contact your bank to report the loss of your cards but here’s a list of things you might have forgotten about:

Keep a checklist like this handy so you act quickly to prevent or minimise any fraudulent activity or confusion and get back on track ASAP.

finance, money, lost wallet