Courtney Allan
Money & Banking

Why money can’t “buy” housework

A new study by Lancaster University has revealed that the way in which couples manage their money tells a story of “two marriages”, according to Phys.

The research shows that the management of household finances and control of financial decisions are linked to the time spent by women and men doing household chores and routine housework.

The study analysed data from more than 6,000 heterosexual couples aged 20 to 59. This is the first study to examine how the organisation of household finances intervenes between couples getting their money and housework done at home.

"Housework provides a window into the 'checks and balances' of power and gender in couple relationships," said Dr. Hu, author of the study.

"Men get away with not doing housework through both channels," explains Dr. Hu. "It puts women in a very compromising position as they are left to do the lion's share of housework."

"Our research provides further evidence to show that despite women's participation in education and the labour market, this still has not yet translated into gender equality in housework at home," said Dr. Hu.

"If men still monopolise the management of household finances and financial decisions, then things are unlikely to change," said Dr. Hu. "It's therefore important for everyone to be able to access their own earnings.

"Educating and employing more women and settling the gender pay gap with gender equality flowing neatly into place at home as a result is certainly not the story this analysis is revealing."

money, funds, finance, housework