Fiona Tomarchio

10 simple tips to get younger looking skin

As we get older, many things affect our skin. Unfortunately, some of these things we can’t do anything about, as they are part of the natural ageing process. We might get lines on our face, or our skin becomes drier and thinner. Whether these changes actually occur is largely down to our genes, and medical professionals refer to this as intrinsic ageing.

Good news! There is another type of ageing that we can influence – extrinsic ageing. This is caused by our lifestyle choices, as well as the environment we live in. By taking some preventative measures, we can slow the effects of extrinsic ageing on our skin. Here are our top 10 tips:

1. Keep your face out of the sun

Protect your face by using sunscreen every day. Don’t just rely on the sunscreen in your moisturiser, apply another layer of sunscreen about 15 minutes before leaving the house. In addition, sit in the shade when you can, wear large-brimmed hats, and protect the delicate area around your eyes with sunglasses.

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

After sun damage, dehydration is probably the second most common cause of prematurely ageing skin. Water makes up around 65% of our bodies, and experts recommend that we drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go, so you can keep topped up.

3. Increase your daily dose of vitamin C

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found women over 40 with the highest amount of vitamin C in their diet were associated with better skin appearance than those who consumed lower levels. Good sources of vitamin C are red peppers, dark green leafy vegetables like broccoli and sprouts, tomatoes, oranges and kiwi fruit. Using a high concentrate vitamin C skincare range such as D’lumiere Esthetique by Dr Lanzer is an excellent antioxidant for your skin. 

4. Have a good skincare regime

Follow a daily skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning and moisturising. No matter how much you want to just hit the pillow, make sure you cleanse your face before going to bed at night, and follow a regular routine every morning.

5. Exfoliate

Exfoliating – or the removal of dry/dead skin cells on the surface of your skin – is one of the most important aspects of your skincare routine. Increased blood circulation will help your skin to appear healthier and glowing too. Finding skin products with AHAs help to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin build-up.

6. Get enough sleep

Much of the daily damage we do to our skin is repaired by our body when we sleep. But make sure you get good quality sleep, without interruptions or restless tossing and turning, for best results. Switch electronic devices off, and make sure your room is dark and not too stuffy.

7. Ditch the stress

Yes, stress really does affect your skin. People who are under intense or prolonged pressure often show increased levels of the hormone cortisol, which can damage collagen and elastin and decrease the skin’s ability to repair itself.

8. Keep to a constant weight

Often, weight gain or weight loss is not visible in the places where we would most like it to show. Even adding or losing as little as 4-5kg can have an effect on your skin’s elasticity and can result in sagging skin around your neck and jawline. Liposuction is sometimes the only option for genetic fat deposits that don’t respond to diet and exercise.

9. Swap chemicals for natural products

Many soaps, cleansers and face washes can contain ingredients that strip your skin of natural oils, leaving it feeling dry, flaky and itchy. Consider swapping to products that contain natural ingredients and that have been made from plant-derived ingredients. D’lumiere skin products use plant extracted DNA repair enzymes to rejuvenate and repair damaged skin cells. 

10. Get expert help

If you have particular skin problems or feel that too much damage has been done to your skin already, you may want to consult a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon such as Dr. Lanzer. Facelifts, mini facelifts, skin resurfacing, and facial rejuvenation are all procedures designed to help you achieve healthier and younger looking skin. Visit the website for more information on these and many other procedures, or for a free facelift consultation. Remember that all surgery has risks, Dr Lanzer recommends a second medical opinion.

tricks, tips, anti-ageing, ageing, look younger, over60, drop a decade, stop the clock