Michelle Reed

5 strange clues your body gives you about your health

Ever wondered how your health will measure up as you age? Science has found a few quirky “tells” that can give an indication of the kinds of health concerns you may be facing. Read on to find out more.

A short index finger can mean arthritis is possible

Women whose index fingers are shorter than their ring fingers may be more prone to arthritis in the knees due to typically lower levels of estrogen. Prevent it occurring by keeping knees in tip-top shape with plenty of strengthening and stretching exercises.

Generous calves and thighs? Keep an eye on your liver

Stockier legs can sometimes mean a liver more susceptible to disease. This is due to higher levels of liver enzymes. Keep your liver healthy by following a nutritious diet and limiting alcohol intake.

Losing your sense of smell? Your brain may need some support

According to research published in 2008, older adults who couldn’t identify distinct smells like banana and cinnamon, were 5 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease. Help prevent this from occurring by taking fish oil supplements/omega-3 fatty acids.

The short arm linked to Alzheimer’s 

A recent neurological study found that women with short arm spans were one and a half times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s than those with longer reaches. Prevent it from occurring by taking up a hobby! Research has found adults who engage regularly in leisure activities are far less likely to develop Alzheimer’s.

Earlobe creases and heat disease

Got creased up earlobes? It may be wise to keep an eye on your heart. Studies show that linear wrinkles in one or both lobes may predict future cardiovascular issues. Keep your heart happy and healthy and prevent issues by ensuring you follow a healthy diet, stick to a healthy BMI, engage in regular exercise and minimise stress.

Image credits: Getty Images

health, body, lifestyle, wellbeing