
7 signs you might not be eating enough protein

You constantly feel weak and hungry

Cookbook author, Terry Hope Romero noticed that her vegan diet left her unsatisfied and lacking energy throughout the day. “When you work full time and have a long commute, and you regularly work out or you have a lot of errands to run, it can be easy to fill up on processed carbs,” says Romero. “To feel full every day, especially when you’re working out to build muscle, it’s not really the best approach.” Protein takes longer to digest, which makes you feel full and energised. When Romero started consuming more protein (by adding natural protein powders like hemp protein and brown rice protein to everyday foods), she started feeling stronger and more satisfied.

Your muscles look MIA

It takes more than daily gym visits to look and feel strong. You need to eat enough protein to fuel your body’s tissues with the necessary amount of amino acids (protein’s small subparts). If you don’t, your body will break down your muscles to get amino acids from their fibres. One key body part to watch is the clavicle, says dietitian, Dr Jessica Bijuniak. If your collarbone is becoming especially prominent, it could be time to make sure you’re eating enough protein.

You’re struggling to lose weight

A high-protein, low-kilojoule diet helps people lose weight, maintain muscle mass, improve bone quality and lose ‘bad’ fat, according to 2019 study published in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Researchers put 96 older adults into two groups: a low-kilojoule, low-protein plan, or higher-protein plan. After six months, the people in the higher protein plan lost around 8 kilograms more than the low-protein eaters. They also maintained more muscle mass, had improved bone quality, and lost more ‘bad’ fat (belly fat).

Eating enough protein is especially important on a diet because it helps ensure that you lose fat, not metabolism-boosting muscle, as you slim down. “High-protein foods take more work to digest, metabolise, and use, which means you burn more kilojoules processing them,” the magazine notes. “They also take longer to leave your stomach, so you feel full sooner and for a longer amount of time.”

You’re losing your hair

Occasionally nutritionists will test the health of their clients’ diets by asking them to run their hands through their hair to see how much falls out with just a gentle tug. Hair is made primarily of protein; your hair needs adequate protein to grow and stay healthy. Protein deficiency can cause hair thinning or loss, according to a 2017 study in the journal Dermatology Practical and Conceptual. This means you may find yourself shedding more hair than usual. Maintain a healthy mane by eating two to three servings of protein a day.

You’re always getting sick

Avoiding the sniffles often requires more than just good hygiene and good sleep; good nutrition is key, too. The immune system depends on the right fuel to function correctly. Your body uses amino acids found in dietary proteins to help build immune cells like lymphocytes, according to 2016 research in Food & Function. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cells that help fight germs; if you don’t have enough, the immune system can’t ward off bacteria or viruses as well.

Your lower legs and feet swell up unexpectedly

If you skimp on protein, you may find yourself prone to fluid retention around your ankles and feet. Proteins help to hold salt and water in blood vessels; without enough protein, these fluids can seep into surrounding tissues, according to Harvard Health Publishing. The bloated sensation of one’s swollen lower legs and feet – called oedema – is uncomfortable. The skin appears stretched or shiny, and if you press it for a moment, it will retain a fingerprint.

Your skin gets patchy in places

A protein deficiency can sometimes result in a flaky dermatitis, or irritation of the skin. You’re most likely to notice this on the back of the thighs and on the buttocks, says Dr Bihuniak. Lack of a certain protein in the skin’s protective barrier can make skin more vulnerable to allergens and other irritants.

This article originally appeared on Readers Digest.

Image: Shutterstock

body, protein, food, diet