Ben Squires

96-year-old sprinter not slowing down any time soon

At a time when most people are slowing down, 96-year-old Dr Charles Eugster is setting records on the track. But what’s this sprinter’s secret to success?

Charles reportedly joined a gym at 87 because he was feeling “a little unhealthy” and since then has never been better, reaping the real health benefits of physical training.

In Charles’s words, “Old age is something to look forward to and it can be the most enjoyable, wondrous, stupendous and amazing, exciting period of anybody’s life.”

So what’s Charles’ secret to success?

Charles says his diet as well as his exercise regime is key.

As the retired dentist states, “Variety is key. I start every day with a protein shake because, as you get older, your protein synthesis no longer functions as well. I avoid sugar and eat lots of meat, especially fat. I’ve been on a fat trip lately. Fat! Piles of fat. Yet, I was in a supermarket the other day and was perplexed to find yogurt with zero fat.”

“What on earth is that? The idea of the nutrition pyramid where, at the top, is a little fat and meat, and at the bottom a lot of carbohydrates. Humans are so unbelievably stupid that we have begun to tinker with food. Our theories of nutrition have resulted in a pandemic of obesity. Can you imagine a hunter-gatherer enjoying a low-fat yogurt?”

Definitely some food for thought!

Video credit: YouTube / Barcroft TV

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exercise, health, healthy, body, Sprint