Danielle McCarthy

5 natural anti-inflammatory ingredients

Erika Morvay is a qualified Naturopath and Holistic Nutritionist with over a decade of experience working within the natural therapies industry.She is especially passionate about empowering and supporting women to live a nourished, fulfilled life.

As we get older, our immune system starts producing small levels of inflammation in the body. Not only does this inflammation cause painful swelling and tenderness but it can also lower bone density, reduce cognitive function, and create insulin-resistance. Our joints and our intestinal tract are especially sensitive to processed foods with added sugar, salt and artificial flavours.  When your body has been put through stress, it’s a good idea to detoxify your liver with natural anti-inflammatory ingredients which can help to keep arthritis and chronic illness at bay.  

Naturopath Erika Morvay recommends these five natural anti-inflammatory ingredients for detoxification:

1. Ginger

Ginger is bursting with anti-inflammatory properties, and has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Studies have shown ginger may help to reduce inflammation within the intestines, relieving some gastrointestinal issues. Ginger is also packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which is why it’s a popular ingredient in detoxes. It’s thought to stimulate digestion and circulation. On a side note, ginger may aid in weight loss due to its satiating properties. Ginger is delicious in stir-fries, juices, and tea.

2. Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts and bok choy all belong to the wonderful family of cruciferous vegetables. These mean greens are rich in antioxidants and are even touted as the most nutrient-dense foods on earth! Veggies such as cabbage, watercress, and cauliflower are rich in sulfur that contains glucosinolates and indole-3-carbinol compounds which support detoxification.  

3. Cinnamon

Not only is cinnamon delicious, it’s also full of medicinal properties. Cinnamon has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years as an effective anti-inflammatory. It’s also been found to lower blood glucose levels and cholesterol, reduce pain and inflammation, and aid weight loss. Cinnamon also has antibacterial properties that may help reduce symptoms of bloating, aid in digestion, and treat the symptoms of diarrhoea.

4. Liquorice

Liquorice is one of the most divisive flavours in the world - you either love it or loathe it! Extracted from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, liquorice is used in Ayurvedic medicine for rejuvenation and to soothe inflammation. Liquorice contains glycyrrhetinic acid which protects the liver and helps neutralise the chemical reactions occurring in this vital organ.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric is an effective anti-inflammatory that also assists to flush out toxins from our bodies, and contains properties that are thought to help regenerate damaged liver cells. Turmeric is a great addition to Indian food and can also make a tasty tea!

health, food, detox, body, anti-inflammatory