Sahar Mourad

Basic tips for staying healthier throughout winter

The cooler months are just around the corner and the last thing we want is to not feel our ultimate best.

We can all admit that we’d rather be in bed under a warm blanket, watching TV, bingeing on junk food rather than going out to the gym, or making healthy foods because takeout is so much easier.

However, it is just as important to stay fit and healthy in winter as it is in summer.

Below are the Top Six ways to do just that. 

  1. Eat immune boosting foods

To ensure an ultimate healthy lifestyle, it is recommended to stick to foods from the five food groups. 

Need a refresher? They include: vegetables and legumes/beans, fruit, lean meat, fish, poultry, grains and cereal, milk, cheese and yoghurt. 

Stay on top of your Vitamin C which is in most fruits and veggies.

Zinc is just as important and could be found in most animal products, nuts and seeds.

Iron is also one to stay on top of which can be found in meat, beans, lentils and even spinach.

  1. Drink water

Water is just as important in the cooler months as it is in the warmer seasons. 

Stay hydrated however is not just limited to water, you can drink as much soup, tea as you want and it all helps. 

  1. Stay active

The weather may not be in your favour but there are many fun indoor activities you can get up to.

Indoor rock climbing, obstacle courses, dance class…whatever tickles your fancy.

Or just join the gym.

  1. Limit the alcohol intake

Alcohol affects our mood, sleep and energy levels which in turn can leave us feeling more stressed and exhausted.

It also increases the risk of having a stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease and cancers.

We’re not saying to give it up completely, but it will help a lot if you reduce how much you drink.

  1. Practice good hygiene 

After three years of the pandemic this should be second nature. 

  1. Get some Vitamin D

Take advantage of the good weather whenever it arrives.

When you see the sun, pop on some sunscreen, shades and hat and go out for a walk in the park, at the beach or grab a coffee with some friends. 

Image: Shutterstock

winter, health, fit, immune, cold body