Melody Teh

The best nuts to include in your diet

While nuts may have gotten a bad reputation a few years ago due to their high calorie count, times have changed and the humble nut is now being hailed as a nutritional powerhouse. Packed full of health benefits, quick and easy to eat and most importantly, delicious, they’re the perfect handbag snack when you’re on the go. Here are our pick of the best.

Best if you’re conscious of calories

If you’re on a calories restricted diet, reach for almonds, cashews or pistachios, which pack a delicious punch while being lower in energy than some of their contemporaries.

Best for your heart

While all nuts contain heart healthy omega-3s, walnuts have the highest amount making them a great choice for heart health.

Best for weight loss

Take your pick… A recent study found that those who snacked on nuts weighed less than those who didn’t!

Best for healthy bones

Almonds and cashews. These two varieties are highest in calcium and magnesium for strong and healthy bones.

Best for curbing cravings

Peanuts and peanut butter are high in protein and fibre helping to control blood sugar and hence manage cravings.

Best for prostrate cancer

Your choice! Men who regularly snacked on nuts were found to minimise their risk of developing advanced prostate cancer.

Best for brain health

Almonds, pecans, walnuts and pistachios are all fantastic for brain health. Include a mixture in your diet for better memory and thinking skills as you age.

Related links: 

15 helpful weight loss facts

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health, wellbeing, Naomi Cotterill, Nuts