Danielle McCarthy

Dave Hughes reveals the bizarre reason why his teeth have started falling out

David Hughes’ new gig Hughesy, We Have A Problem promises to help Aussies “get over life’s infuriating problems”.

And now, the 47-year-old has openly discussed the infuriating problem he is experiencing – his teeth falling out.

Hughesy explained that he is missing 10 teeth and his wife thinks he looks like a drug addict.

“My wife is worried. She says I'm starting to look like a meth addict,” Hughesy announced on the Channel Ten show.

He joked that his teeth are falling out faster than his wife, Holly Hughes, because he was raised in the “country” and has consumed a lot of orange juice in his life.

“But I'm from the county and she's from the city and when you're from the country and your teeth fall out, you get on with your day,” he told the live studio audience.

“But when you're from the city, you got to keep them in your mouth your whole life.

“One of my problems right now is that I am missing a number of teeth.

“Not just one, two, three...I'm missing 10 teeth.”

The Australian comedian then put his dilemma into perspective for viewers at home.

“The human mouth only has 32 [teeth] and I'm missing 10...that's almost a third.”

Hughesy explained that his wife “forced” him to go to a specialist to have the problem corrected.

However, he was met with more hurdles at his appointment after learning that the solution would be a lot harder than originally anticipated.

“The person [health professional] took an x-ray of my mouth, and told me I don't have enough 'jaw' to fit the bolts to put in the false teeth,” he said.
In order to compensate for his lack of jaw, he could choose to have a lengthy bone graph.

“Take some hip bone, put that in your mouth and then you wait six months to see whether that nips with your jawbone and if it does, you'll have enough room for the bolts so we can start drilling,” he explained.

Later in the show, Hughesy asked his guest panel, which included Meshel Laurie, Sarah Harris, Luke McGregor and Merrick Watts, if he should get his teeth fixed.

Studio 10 presenter Sarah Harris asked, “What area of your hip bone will they take?”

Hughesy responded, “On the side here” (as he pointed to his buttock).

Harris clarified, “So, towards the bum.”

Hughesy nodded and said, “Yeah absolutely.”

“So you'll literally be speaking out of your arse!” Harris exclaimed. 

The television series has received positive reviews on Twitter since its recent debut on Channel Ten.

“Funniest show on TV so far!” one viewer in commented.

Have you watched Hughesy, We Have A Problem? If so, what did you think of the show so far?

David Hughes, Hughesy We Have A Problem, why, teeth, falling, out, reason, Australia, TV, comedy