Alex O'Brien

Foods that make you lose weight

Not all foods are equal when it comes to maintaining good health and helping to lose weight. Scientific studies are highlighting that certain foods have some incredible properties. These foods when consumed regularly can actually help turbo charge your weight loss if you are already following your healthy diet and exercise plan.

1. Matcha green tea

Matcha is the whole tea leaf stone ground into a fine powder which can be drank as a tea, or added to smoothies and foods. It contains the highest antioxidant concentration of any naturally occurring substance and also contains the highest concentration of potent cancer fighting, fat burning antioxidant EGCG. Matcha helps with weight loss in four specific ways. As well as encouraging fat burning, it discourages fat absorption by blocking the ability of digestive enzymes to break down fat so the amount of fat entering cells is reduced and instead this fat is passed through the body in digestion. It also reduces hunger by regulating the hormone Leptin helping to reduce your hunger cravings. Matcha also helps reduce stress and as a result your body does not produce as much of the stress hormone Cortisol which is a known contributor to stubborn midsection fat.

2. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is usually a forgotten or often avoided fruit due to its bitterness, but eating half a grapefruit before a meal can enhance your body’s fat-burning performance. A study published in the journal Metabolism found that eating grapefruit before your meal can help reduce stubborn midsection fat by up to five centimetres in just six weeks! The researchers attributed the powerful effects to the grapefruits’ fat-zapping phytochemicals. Remember that grapefruit can interact negatively with certain medications so get the green light from your doc and then aim to have half a grapefruit before meals. Cutting up grapefruit segments and adding these to salads is also a great way to reap the benefits.

3. Chillies

Chillies which contain capsaicin or the “heat” of the chillies has been show to help with weight loss as it activates the brown fat in our bodies. In our bodies white fat cells store energy while brown fat cells serve as thermogenic (heat produced by burning fat) machinery to burn stored fat. So the more active brown fat you have the more energy you burn! A great way to add chilli to your diet is to make a stir fry sauce from chilli, coriander, soy sauce and garlic.

Dou you have your own recipe for weight loss? Let us know in the comments below.

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diet, health, food, weight, Weight loss