Ben Squires

4 natural home remedies for restless leg syndrome

People who suffer from restless leg syndrome (RLS) often have aches, pains, or sensations in the legs when a person is lying down for bed or sitting.

These sensations are describes as being "itchy," "pins and needles," or "creepy crawly" feeling in the legs and are usually worse at rest, especially when lying or sitting.

In most cases, doctors do not know the cause of restless legs syndrome; however, iron deficiency, Parkinson’s disease, kidney failure, diabetes, and peripheral neuropathy often include symptoms of RLS. Alcohol, sleep deprivation and some medications may also cause symptoms.

Here are some easy, at home solutions you can try to alleviate symptoms.

1. Black molasses

Black strap molasses is a rich source of dietary iron. Medical research has revealed the fact, that iron deficiency is one of the leading causes of RLS. Including non-heme sources of iron like black strap molasses can reverse iron deficiency induced RLS.

To use: Dilute one teaspoon of black strap molasses in a glass of warm milk. Drink the warm, sweetened milk just before you turn in for the night. Follow this home remedy regularly for a couple of months.

2. Camphor oil

Camphor oil helps to relieve nervous disorders like RLS due to its anti-spasmodic and therapeutic properties.

To use: Rub a small amount of pure camphor oil on your legs and the soles of your feet. In the morning, wash off the excess camphor oil using soap and water.  Follow this home remedy for one to two months to get amazing relief from Restless Legs Syndrome.

3. Coconut oil

Massaging your legs with warm coconut oil can offer great relief from the uncomfortable tingling and itching sensations.

To use: Warm two to three tablespoons of coconut oil. Massage your legs with the warm coconut oil for five to ten minutes. The warm oil massage helps to improve blood circulation to the lower limbs. Repeat this home remedy every night for three to five weeks to observe significant reduction in the symptoms linked to RLS.

4. Peppermint tea

Drinking hot peppermint tea can abate the creepy, crawly sensation in the legs due to Restless Legs Syndrome. Peppermint leaves also contain high amounts of menthol and medical research has shown that menthol is a highly effective cure for RLS.

To use: Boil a handful of peppermint leaves in two cups of water. Allow the peppermint leaves to steep in the boiling water for five minutes. Next, strain the peppermint leaves and transfer the hot tea to a clean glass. Sweeten the tea with one teaspoon of honey. Ideally, you should drink the tea at night just before you go to sleep.

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health, natural, body, legs, restless leg syndrome