Danielle McCarthy

How to relieve a side stitch

You’ve been walking or running for a while and you’re making great time, and then suddenly you’re struck down by a shooting pain in your side. Sound familiar? Nothing can derail your workout faster than an irksome side stitch, but thankfully, there are a number of quick and easy ways to get rid of one.

1. Stretch

You’ve probably heard this one before and maybe found it didn’t work. That’s because you need to hold the stretch longer. Here’s what to do – stop walking/running, bend your torso in the opposite direction to the pain and hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

2. Breathe

Shallow breathing during exercise can irritate the diaphragm (causing it to spasm, leaving you with a stitch), so try regulating your breathing pattern. Take a full breath into your belly for three seconds, then exhale though pursed lips for two seconds. It’ll take some getting used to, but you will notice a difference.

3. Eat and drink mindfully

According to sports nutritionist Nancy Clark, author of the Sports Nutrition Guidebook, “the weight of a full stomach tugs on the ligaments that hold the stomach in place, causing the cramp.” Drinking too much fluid or eating too much food prior to your work out can cause this, so avoid drinking for two hours before exercise. If you must, quench your thirst with half a cup of water.

4. Perfect your posture

A study in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that people with poor posture were more prone to side stitches, since slouching puts more strain on the peritoneum, a membrane lining the abdomen. Runners tend to lean forward as they become tired, causing more strain, so open up the chest and abdomen by stretching your arms behind you and holding for a few seconds.

5. Warm up

Like with any exercise, you put your body at risk of injury if you don’t adequately prepare the muscles beforehand. Stretch each part of the body before going on your walk or run to minimise your risk of developing a stitch, as well as to establish a healthy breathing pattern.

Do you have any tips to relieving a stich? Let us know in the comments below. 

tips, health, body, side, stitch, relieve