Sahar Mourad

Lisa Curry’s devastating health condition

Australian Olympian Lisa Curry has revealed she has been diagnosed with a heart condition.

The 60-year-old shared her devastating diagnosis known as Atrial fibrillation, a heart condition that causes irregular and abnormal heart rates.

Speaking on Sunrise, Curry said she has been to the doctors who ordered her to change some of her daily habits.

“I have been in hospital twice this year with a little bit of AF," the swimming legend said of her Atrial fibrillation.

"I don’t know where I have got that – it has just appeared. The doctors say I need to be weaned off alcohol and coffee, and that is hard.

“It’s when your heart’s racing for now reason. I’m now on beta blockers, which make you tired, so there is a lot going on.”

She said that she’s “trying to do that” but is struggling and has started taking Beta blockers which treat the high blood pressure.

A year before her diagnosis, the author was hospitalised with chest pains which she claimed was “heartache” following her daughter Jaimi’s death at the age of 33 in 2020.

“It’s day 5 after coming in with chest pain, a wide squeezing band around my chest and back. All my tests are good. Everyone is stumped,” she wrote on Instagram in July 2021.

“But you can’t test for heartache.

“For every beautiful photo of our girl , there are 10 sad ones. As I lie here thinking about our Jaimi, I wanted to show you how much she hurt too. Broken hearted by things that people said to her and did to her.

“Words and actions hurt people so deep that they store that trauma for such a long time. Some people can get through it.. some live with it, some just can’t.

“There are many people, like Jaimi, who are beautiful, soft, fragile, sensitive, and are taken advantage of, their trust misused and abused. There are some really questionable people who take advantage of others who are fragile, who go on to live their lives not having a clue the damage they’ve left.

“In the (written) stages of grief, there is shock and denial, pain and guilt, anger and bargaining, depression, the upward turn, reconstruction and working through, and acceptance and hope.

“You don’t go through each one and tick it off - they overlap, they come and go constantly.

“It’s hard, but you do start to work through them. I’ve found that writing things down is helping. People reaching out to me, although hard, is also helping… because we’re not alone.

“You never know what will trigger the heart ache, or the tears… it could be a word, a thought, a song, a photo, a memory, a hug from a stranger…all we need is a hug… and understanding… nothing even needs to be said.

“I now know that every second person you see is grieving in some way so always be kind to others.

“To those grieving, I hope you are ok and that you also can find beauty and love in the sadness.

“Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. If you feel ANY sort of chest pain, call 000.”

Image: Sunrise

Lisa Curry, Atrial fibrillation, heart condition, body