Ben Squires

Strange things happening inside your body

Our bodies do an amazing job of keeping us healthy and happy. How they do that however can be a little on the stomach churning side. Here are five completely normal but slightly disgusting things your body is doing right now.

  1. Producing huge amounts of sticky mucous – While we only really associate mucous with having a cold, our body is producing it constantly. Up to one litre a day is made to help prevent pathogens from making their way into our bodies.
  2. Processing food using gastric juices – The path from your mouth to the other end is quite remarkable. After you eat, the food travels to your stomach where it’s broken down by litres of gastric juice. It then travels through metres and metres of intestine before finally being “expelled”.
  3. Dust mites are colonising your eyelashes – According to recent research, there are two types of dust mite that make their home on your eyelashes where they live happily and uninterrupted for months on end.
  4. Your tonsils are storing plenty of stuff – If you’ve still got your tonsils, chances are good they are stashing plenty of stuff. Tonsils are filled with nooks and crannies which often fill with dead cells, mucous and bacteria. While most people can manage this build up perfectly fine, others find that they develop tonsil stones from too much build up.
  5. You’re producing litres of saliva – The body seems to love producing liquid. Case in point? Saliva. We produce one to two litres of the stuff a day to help break down food and aid digestion.

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Image credit: Shutterstock

Health, Wellbeing, Body, Digestion