Michelle Reed

The hidden health benefits of spices

Spices have a lot more to offer than just adding flavour to your dishes. Many spices have hidden health benefits that you might not be aware of. Add these spices to your diet to aid in anything from digestion to brain function.

Turmeric – Found in many mustards and cheeses, turmeric has been known to work as a pain reliever and possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. There is also evidence to suggest that it benefits Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and cancer.

Saffron – Saffron contains vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It can be used to treat coughs, insomnia, cancer, gas, depression, Alzheimer’s, heartburn, PMS, and dry skin, to name a few.

Cumin – A staple in curries, cumin is a great source of iron and helps aid brain function.

Cayenne pepper – Hot and spicy, cayenne pepper helps to stimulate your metabolism and aids in circulation and digestion.

Ginger – As well as adding a kick of flavour to your green smoothies ginger helps treat upset stomachs, bloating, and gas. It also helps sooth sore throats, arthritis, colds, and motion sickness. Is there anything it doesn’t do? 

Cinnamon – An antioxidant that contains iron and calcium, cinnamon has been known to reduce inflammation, reduce blood sugar levels, calm nausea, and aid in the body’s burning of fat.

Image credits: Shutterstock

health, wellbeing, diet, spices