
The unlikely possible cure for epilepsy

A small but highly venomous caterpillar from south-east Queensland might be the source of a new treatment for nervous system disorders like epilepsy.

Studies at the University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience have pointed to a species of nettle caterpillar called Doratifera vulnerans as a potential candidate for treatments.

Andrew Walker, who has been studying the caterpillar’s venom since he found the species four years ago during a field trip, said “it’s strange biology and pain-causing venom fascinated me”.

Dr Walker discovered that the insects were common in Queensland’s south-east, and said its defence mechanism saw it release up to 100 venom-producing spines on its back.

“Its binomial name means ‘bearer of gifts of wounds’,” he said.

“I have been stung quite a lot of times by these caterpillars.

“So the way the spine releases their venom is that they have closed but very thin and sharp tips,” he explained.

“If you just lightly brush them, or touch them, the tips break off and the venom gets injected.”

Potential therapeutics

The UQ’s team recently published a report in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that found the venom is a source of peptides - smaller versions of proteins - that could be used to treat disorders affecting the nervous system, such as epilepsy.

“Previously researchers had no idea what was in the venom nor how they induced pain,” Dr Walker said.

“We’re right at the very start of … finding out about [the] venom and the toxins it contains.”

Dr Walker said these peptides could be developed into medicines to help control the nervous system.

“And [they would] allow us to ameliorate the effects of things like epilepsy, when the nervous system is too active,” he said.

“So you want to calm [the nervous system] down a bit or, in other situations, you may want to activate certain parts of it.”

Dr Robinson, the scientist responsible for researching which molecules in the venom caused the pain, said toxins have been used to help understand the human cardiovascular and nervous systems for decades.

“My research program, for example, is centered on using toxins as tools to understand our sensory system, that is the neurons responsible for detecting and sending pain signals,” he said.

“There really is no better place to look for new knowledge than nature.”

A new sheep-friendly pesticide

Dr Walker said, in addition to its potential therapeutic applications, that the venom could be used in the development of bio-friendly, eco-friendly insecticides to kill parasites in sheep.

“First we discovered the structures of the toxins and then that allows us to design ways in the lab to make them,” he said.

“Then, if we can make them in the lab, that will allow us to try to characterise them and work out what they do.”

Some of the peptides already made in the lab through Dr Walker’s research have shown high potency and a potential to kill nematode parasites that are harmful to livestock.

Image: imbatuq / Instagram

Body, caterpillar, venom, research