Alex O'Brien

4 things healthy people do before bed (that you should do too)

We all have one or two of “those” types of friends in our lives who are super fit and healthy – almost annoyingly so. And you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t wonder how they do it. In the hope that it might rub off on us, we’ve rounded up four habits of healthy people. You’ll be surprised they are quite simple to follow and a couple of them are even relaxing!

1. Plan tomorrow's breakfast

One of the keys to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is being prepared. If you are organised ahead of time it will make you less likely to reach for the “bad” stuff and make unhealthy choices. Given this, coupled with the fact that lots of people wake up hungry, it is beneficial to know and maybe even set aside what you’re going to have for breakfast. This is especially helpful if you know you’re going to be tight for time in the morning – if you’re not prepared you might be more inclined to go down the easy route a pick up a pastry on the run with your morning coffee.

2. Have a cuppa
Chamomile – an age-old medicinal herb known in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome – is a relaxing sleep aid that has been used for centuries. Try a soothing cup of chamomile tea to help send you to the land of nod. It’s also said to have anti-inflammatory properties. 

3. Take a packed lunch

Whether it’s a case of packing up dinner’s left overs before you sit down at the dinner table or preparing a healthy meal for lunch; taking a packed lunch has a number of benefits. Not only will taking your lunch with you when you head out for the day help stop you from making bad choices when you’re out and about, it will also stop you from having a second helping at dinner time (because you’ve packed it for lunch) and it will save you money by not spending at cafes.

4. Use coconut oil to remove make-up

While there is much discussion about the various uses of coconut oil and the said benefits, coconut oil makes a delightful eye make-up remover. Not only does it work well to remove make-up, it is also gentle on the very delicate eye area and has lovely moisturising properties as well. 

health, sleep, australian naturalcare, bedtime