
6 tips to negotiate your way to what you want

Whether you’re haggling at the markets, dealing with a sales person or trying to buy a car, we negotiate all the time in our lives. Knowing how to get what you want is one of those skills worth learning so here are six ways to help your next negotiation go your way.

1. Do your homework

Learn as much as you can before your negotiation. When you have information it gives you a stronger chance in a negotiation as well as knowing how to deal with any objections. Even in the case of wanting to return some clothes or shoes to a store, a sales person might refuse you but if you have researched the policy beforehand you would know you’re not being treated fairly.

2. Listen more than you talk

It might seem like you should talk more as you need to convince the other side of what you need but in fact, you’ll make more ground if you listen. You will not only be able to learn more about what the other person needs or wants but most importantly it builds trust - the other party now feels respected and understood. It will lead you both to want to find a mutually satisfying agreement.

3. Look for shared interests

You want to establish a rapport with the person so look for things you have a shared interest in. When you find common ground with someone it builds familiarity and a trust that will help you in a negotiation. If you’ve ever haggled at the markets you’ll know striking up a friendly conversation with the seller might persuade them to be a tad more generous in their pricing.

4. Address objections

We’ve all been stopped at the shopping centres with people trying to sell us creams or raffles. When you try and walk away they are just too persuasive. Why? They address any objection you have and respond with empathy and understanding. It will just take a “quick minute” or “it’s very cheap” so you feel obliged to stick around. If they use it in sales, you can use it in your negotiations.

5. Seek a win-win outcome

Don’t just focus on what you want and need. It’s a negotiation so the other party needs to leave with their interests met as well. If you’re thinking “win-win” you’ll already be considering the other person so most outcomes will be beneficial to both. It doesn’t mean “giving in” but simply finding that solution where both sides can walk away satisfied. For example if you’re selling anything, you might offer a discount if someone purchases multiple item rather than just one. In this situation, you sell more items and the other side gets a reduced price.

6. Aim high

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. You don’t get what you don’t ask. And if you don’t get it, you’ll be closer. Just say you’re buying some classic furniture, you would start well below your rock bottom because you know the seller is going to aim high.

Image: Getty

Negotiation, caring, closing the deal, life skills, learning