Charlotte Foster

George Negus' son shares heartbreaking update on his dad's condition

The son of TV legend George Negus has shared a devastating update on his father's health, two years after his Alzheimer's diagnosis was made public. 

In a heartbreaking post shared to LinkedIn, Ned Negus revealed that his father is now non-verbal due to his illness, and is living in an aged care facility in Sydney. 

“I was hesitant to post this on LinkedIn, as it’s pretty personal,” Ned, who is Chief Commercial Officer for the A-League, began in a lengthy post shared on Father’s Day. “But then realised you’re all humans and there’s always a place for sharing human realities with your professional network.”

He continued, “For those of you who don’t know, my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s around five years ago. He’s now non verbal most of the time (mind-blowing for me but also any of you that know him).”

Along with his touching words, Ned shared a photo of him and his father embracing in a hug as they took a walk along the beach, recalling the heartfelt moment with his dad. 

“He was clearly not sure why this particular walk was symbolic and sometimes not sure with whom he was walking,” Ned shared, before adding that his dad “smiled broadly and then hugged me for quite some time”.

“It was sad, but it was uplifting to know that even when you can no longer say what you feel, you can still DO what you feel. Love you Negsy.”

Ned ended his emotional post by all paying tribute to his mother for her endless love and care for his dad.

“P.s. My mum took this photo and is by his side most days helping him through, helping him remember (even the slightest thing) and feel. Massive shout out to her too,” he concluded.

In 2022, the Negus family revealed George's diagnosis, sharing that he had been living in care home since 2021.

“As a family, we are sharing the new path we walk as George faces the realities of his diagnosis of dementia from Alzheimer’s disease,” they wrote in a statement at the time. 

“We continue to share wonderful family times and are grateful for the care and support we have had from extended family and friends over the past few years who understand our challenges.”

Image credits: Getty Images / LinkedIn

caring, George Negus, son, alzheimers