Charlotte Foster

Jackie O breaks down over baby scalded in Brisbane park

Jackie O has broken down live on air while talking to the heartbroken mother whose baby boy was scalded in a Brisbane Park. 

Baby Luka and his mother were enjoying the sun in Hanlon Park on August 27th when a stranger approached and poured boiling hot coffee over the baby boy. 

Luka has since undergone three surgeries, while the man accused of the horrific attack has allegedly fled the country, according to police. 

The grief-stricken mother, who has not been publicly identified, spoke with Kyle and Jackie O on Friday morning and said her infant son will continue to have surgery every four days for the next four weeks at the least, as doctors attempt to repair the nine-month-old’s burns.

“After that it's once a week for two weeks. And then it should okay, all going well and everything healing,” she said. “But then after there's scar management stuff as well on top of that.”

The mother provided a heartwarming update on Luka’s progress after he was released from hospital on Monday, saying he is “smiling” and “walking”.  

"He's not letting this - he (the alleged attacker) hasn't taken away my son's soul,” she said.

“Like, he is beautiful, and he is strong, and he is brave and resilient. And I'm so lucky to be his mum. I'm just really sad this has happened."

Jackie O was visibly moved while talking to the woman, breaking down in tears live on air. 

The KIISFM host told Luka's mother, "You can't imagine that kind of evil, and your poor bubba, it's so evil."

"It makes you so angry because he's just a little innocent boy who never did anything to anyone," she added as she became overwhelmed with emotion.

Her co-host Kyle Sandilands also shared his devastation as he admitted he was left in floods of tears when he first heard of Luka's brutal injuries on the news.

"In all honesty, I was in tears in the lounge when I saw the story. Everyone understands it's s**t, but when you've got your own child running around you while you're in tears watching the news," he shared.

Kyle and Jackie vowed to give $10,000 to the GoFundMe set up to help raise funds for Luka's hospital treatment, adding to the $160,000 that has already been donated.

With an original target of just $5,000, the mother gushed, "I cannot believe the generosity of the community and you know, it warms my heart and, you know, all the messages and the kindness and yeah, it makes the process a little bit easier."

Image credits: KIISFM / 9News

caring, Jackie O, baby, burned