Rachel Fieldhouse

New Zealand mosque shooting survivor completes Walk for Peace

A New Zealand man who was shot nine times completed a two-week walk and bike ride stretching across the country - all in the name of peace.

Temel Atacocugu retraced the steps of the gunman who attacked two Christchurch mosques and took 51 lives on the third anniversary of the shooting.

“I wanted to fix this damage,” Atacocugu told the Associated Press. “Because three years ago, he started that journey with hate.”

The 47-year-old said he wanted to bless the 360-kilometre route from Dunedin to the two Christchurch mosques and raise funds for charity along the way.

Though he initially intended to make the entire journey on foot, temperamental weather and the onset of severe blisters and blood poisoning saw him spend several days in a local hospital about halfway through.

“The best point was meeting lots of beautiful people and getting great support from them,” he said.

“The low point was being in the emergency room. But I was not going to give up. I got on my bike straight after discharge.”

Travelling by bike also helped him make up for lost time.

On Tuesday at 1.40pm - the exact time he was shot during Friday prayers in 2019 - Atacocugu entered the Al Noor mosque after walking the final stretch with about 50 supporters.

“I made a speech, it was very emotional,” Atacocugu said. “I was so happy. It was a big relief to have completed my mission.”

Having been shot in the mouth, his left arm and both legs during the attack, Atacocugu said he often felt pain from his injuries on his journey.

Afterwards, he said he planned to recuperate with a long sleep and perhaps a sauna and spa.

As his gruelling journey came to an end, an online donations page showed that Atacocugu had raised $NZD 64,000 ($AUD 43,000) for three charities benefiting children: the Child Cancer Foundation, Save the Children New Zealand, and The Key to Life Charitable Trust.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the sum came to a whopping $NZD 72,215 ($AUD 67,870).

Image: Temel’s Walk for Peace (Facebook)

New Zealand, Christchurch, Mosques, Walk for Peace