Charlotte Foster

"Not all about catching baddies": Cop's random act of kindness goes viral

A Queensland police officer has gone viral for a random act of kindness after he helped an elderly woman in a wheelchair up a hill. 

The cop noticed the 86-year-old woman trying to push her mother's wheelchair up a "treacherous" hill in Springwood, a suburb 22km south of Brisbane. 

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) shared the heartwarming moment on its Facebook page, with the post racking up almost 30,000 likes. 

"Policing isn’t all about catching baddies," the Facebook caption read. 

"Sometimes it’s about helping an 85-year-old woman push her 103-year-old mother up a treacherous hill in Springwood."

Facebook users said they were "proud" of the officer and praised his good deed. 

"That just warms the heart, I don't think officers get the recognition so many of them deserve. Beautiful act of kindness," one user wrote. 

"Fantastic to see, proud of our police, they attend situations most of us would run away from," another user commented. 

"To go out of their way to help an elderly person is another feather in their cap, kindness is appreciated more than ever, when its needed the most." 

A third user chimed, "This is something that is not trained, this comes from compassion, dedication and thoughtfulness."

Facebook users were thankful for the post as it highlighted a lesson for all Australians, "do one act of kindness every day".

Image credits: Facebook

caring, random act of kindeness, police officer, Queensland