Rizna Mutmainah

"One more shot": Turia Pitt undergoes life-changing surgery

After 12 years of hoping, Turia Pitt has finally undergone a “life-changing” nose surgery to help her breathe better.

Pitt, 35, a survivor of the devastating grassfire that broke out in Kimberley during a 2011 ultramarathon, has revealed that she still has trouble breathing because of the shape of her nose.

“It’s frustrating because I spend most of my days teaching women how to run, and talking about running, and both of those things - talking and running - require breath,” she shared in a video posted on Instagram.

Pitt shared that she’s been wanting to get surgery to fix the issue for 12 years, but has struggled with finding the right surgeon until late last year.

“I’m a persistent person, but this cycle of building hope, and having it smashed down over and over again, has been hard,” she added.

“It’s been demoralising. But late last year, I heard back from one more surgeon, a bloke in Baltimore in the USA, so I decided to give it one more shot.”

In another video she revealed that she also wanted the surgery to look like her best self when she marries her long-term partner and fiancé, Michael Hoskin.

“I want surgery for my nose so that I can breathe better, but I also want it to look better too,” she captioned the video.

“I want to have a nice big smile, a nice even nose, long glossy wavy hair, my big eyes, my shoulders will be tanned, and I’ll wear a flower crown and black pearls,” she said.

She added that even though she wanted to “look really good” for her fiancé, her partner “doesn’t give a s***” how she looks because he loves her regardless.

“He loves me now like he loved me before my accident. So it’s not for Michael; this surgery is for me.”

Post-surgery, Pitt shared a follow up video of herself in the US with her heavily bandaged nose. She’s been updating her followers on the progress consistently, and on day five showed what her nose looked like with the bandages off.

“I can breathe through my nostrils, and I also think that’s helped my voice quality,” she said.

In her latest podcast, Yes Darling, You Look Beautiful, she shared further details about how she felt about the surgery and her fiancé’s reaction.

“I really like it, I’m happy, I start crying, and when I get back to my hotel room I look at myself in the mirror and I feel more symmetrical,” she said, sharing that her nose is much straighter after initially not being able to see the difference.

Pitt also revealed her fiancé’s sweet reaction and how he was “blown away”.

“Yes darling, you look very beautiful, it was a wonderful operation”.

She said that even though she doesn’t look any different “for the average person on the street”, her fiancé understands that she can be self-conscious about how she looks and supports her decision.

Images: Instagram

Health, Caring, Turia Pitt, Surgery