Charlotte Foster

Pauline Hanson's surprising act of kindness for struggling family

Pauline Hanson has revealed a surprising act of kindness for a struggling Queensland family, who have been battling the private healthcare system. 

Nine year old Kadee Byrnes, from Yeppoon, about 740km north of Brisbane, has been on the public hospital waiting list for seven years waiting for the adenoid surgery she desperately needs.

The surgery is a procedure to remove the adenoids, small tissue lumps in the nasal cavity, to address her chronic tonsillitis.

While on the waitlist, Kadee had to repeat the fourth grade after missing so much school due to reoccurring infections. 

After hearing of Kadee's plight, the One Nation senator said she was "disgusted" the young girl had to wait so long for surgery and promised to cover the cost of her private treatment.

"I'm grateful for the opportunity to help 9-year-old Kadee by covering the cost of her private treatment," Ms Hanson said on Tuesday.

"It is unacceptable that young Kadee was told she would have to repeat Grade 4 due to missing so many school days because of tonsillitis."

"Situations like this are sadly all too common and highlight the severe consequences of the Labor government's lack of investment in our public hospitals, especially outside South East Queensland."

Senator Hanson broke the happy news to Kadee's mother, Kahlia, at a speaking event in Roslyn Bay.

"Straight away, I said we're going to get this operation done. Kahlia you don't know, I'm paying for it, all right, I'm going to pay for it," Senator Hanson said. 

Kahlia said she was grateful for Senator Hanson's generosity and to see her daughter finally have a normal life. 

"I am very that it's going to end this way," Kahlia said. "She is finally going to have a surgery and she is finally going to be able to live a life as a normal nine year old."

Image credits: 7News 



caring, Pauline Hanson, surgery, money