Rachel Fieldhouse

Readers Respond: What was the most valuable lesson you learned from your parents?

As our parents raised us, they imparted some important lessons to help us strike out on our own and live the best life we can.

From emphasising respect, love and manners to encouraging us to be financially independent, when we asked what the most valuable lesson you learned from your parents was, here’s what you had to say.

Robyn Gibson - Treat others as you want to be treated. Love and respect in a family is more important than material things.

Penny Paull - Respect, manners and work ethic.

Simone Donovan - Work smart, then you don’t have to work hard. It’s stuck with me forever. Another one was make sure you enjoy your job, that way it’ll never seem like work. Oh.. and be nice to the nerds because one day they might be your boss.

Dan Stevens - Not just one … I would not be the person I am today without learning many valuable lessons from my parents.

Christine Ryan - My Mother always told us to put money away for our bills, such as rent, gas and electricity. That is something I have done for all my adult life.

Judy Barker - To be careful crossing the road, don’t talk to anyone and come straight home. And that was said every time we left the house.

Robyn Lane - That their love was unconditional, I have applied this to my love for my children, and grandchildren.

Anna Maria Olislaegers - Manners, respect your elders and treat others the way you’d like to be treated. Also to wake up happy & not moody.

Sue Mackney - Independence both financially and thinking particularly if you’re a woman. Never be dependent on a man.

Roslyn Crane - My mum was a WW2 Army nurse, she would say to my sister and I, ‘it’s not what they do that counts, it’s what you do’. I handed it down to my children.

To read what else you said, head here.

Image: Getty Images

Caring, Parents, Lesson, Readers Respond