
Shocking revelation: Woman’s “kidney infection” turns out to be triplets

A woman got the shock of her life when she was informed about what she thought was supposed to be a kidney infection was actually the side effects of a pregnancy - to triplets!

Dannette Giltz, from the US state of South Dakota, made headlines around the world for giving birth to healthy triplets on August 10, although she initially thought she had kidney stones. 

The mother of three said she began to have pain when she was around 34 weeks pregnant. 

When she went to the hospital she was quickly informed the pains she felt meant she was actually in labor.  

Her husband Austin was holding two babies when doctors asked for another blanket. 

"His reaction is like, ‘excuse me, put it back, no, I was told I have twins, I'm not doing triplets’,” Ms Glitz told KOTA-TV.

“She's like, ‘no, there's three babies in here, there's triplets’.”

The story went viral on social media, with many people taking to the comments to humorously “apologise” for the three children. 

“I am sure she is thrilled… not,” one person wrote. 

Another added “She wanted the kidney stones instead!”

The triplets were all born within four minutes of each other. 

Each weighed in at around 1.8 kilograms and were named Blaze, Gypsy and Nikki.

women, kidney infection, triplets, baby, pregnancy, caring, health