Ben Squires

Tips for caregivers travelling with a loved one

If you’re a carer and you want to take your loved one away for a holiday, make sure you read these great tips to ensure you a safe and happy vacation.


Bring along an identification tag that can be worn as a necklace. Also, register your loved one with the safe return program in your area.


Keep bedtimes and dinner as close to normal as possible, bring their favourite item be it a pillow or outfit. If the person has never travelled on an airplane before, this is not the best time to introduce something new.


Get plenty of rest before the trip. Pack for them and allow extra time for everything. Don’t rush and make sure to pack comfortable clothing. Research in advance what medical services are offered at your destination. Bring a brief medical history with you, including a current medication list, doctor’s telephone numbers and a list of any allergies.

Be realistic

Carefully assess what the person’s limitations and strengths are and shape the vacation accordingly. Also be realistic about your own and other caregivers’ limitations and strengths – can you handle the person if he or she becomes agitated or wanders or is unable to sleep?


Have regular car stops. If a trip is over four hours, two caregivers should be present. Bring along toys, photos, hobbies or other distractions in case there are signs of agitation. Carry hand-wipes for any spills. Avoid caffeine.


If you’re flying, avoid layovers and try to fly on direct flights only. Carry all boarding passes, passports, and other important papers. Request a middle or window seat for your companion and an aisle seat for yourself. Pre-board the aircraft. Pack all medications in a carry-on bag–do not put it in checked luggage, which can get lost.

Back-up plan

Everyone always needs a plan B. So be prepared to fall back on something else, that way you can react to mishaps without become overly anxious yourself. Remember not to stress, this is after all a holiday with a loved one!

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family, tips, travel, health, caring, care givers