Melody Teh

7 tricks to stay energised WITHOUT coffee

There’s no need to rely on coffee to stay energised through the day. Here are seven ways to say alert without reaching for another cup of caffeine.

Don’t skip breakfast – If you’re hungry at lunch you’re much more likely to overeat and choose the wrong foods. This means you’re more likely to crash in the afternoon.

Drink more water – When you are dehydrated, your kidneys cannot eliminate toxins as effectively, which means your body won’t function at its optimum level.

Eat some protein – Lean protein foods help slow digestion and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Supplement your diet – Most people don’t get enough magnesium in their diets. Magnesium supplements can help break down glucose into energy.

Exercise even if you’re tired – It’s the last thing you want to do but even just 20 minutes of exercise can boost endorphins which will give you that extra energy.

Detox your body – When toxins build up in your body it stops working as efficiently. Give your body a full detox every so often so it can reboot and restart.

Only have one coffee – If you HAVE to have a cuppa of coffee, stick to a daily limit of one. More than a cup can dehydrate you and zap energy.


health, wellbeing, Coffee, caffeine, caring, Tired