
Understanding home care packages

In her role as Funding Manager at Australian Unity, Claire Watson has answered plenty of questions about Home Care Package funding levels and what it all means. “People are always curious about the different levels of Home Care Package funding and the practical differences in the support you receive,” she says.

“If you're approved for a Home Care Package, you'll be assigned a funding level from 1-4. The main thing to understand is that Home Care Package budgets increase with the levels, so support becomes more comprehensive as you go up. Whatever your approved level, your provider (like Australian Unity) will work with you to develop a support plan that addresses your unique needs and goals, within your budget.” 

Home Care Package: Level two 
“A level two Home Care Package is designed for somebody with low care needs,” explains Claire. This level of service is designed for someone who is still relatively healthy, mobile and independent but needs some extra support around the house to allow them to maintain their lifestyle. This level of Home Care Package is currently valued at $15,877* for a 12-month period and equates to around 10 hours of services each month.” 

A package of services at level two might include fortnightly domestic assistance, such as vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, doing the laundry, and changing and making the bed. Many level two customers also receive monthly gardening assistance – which could include maintenance tasks or lawnmowing. 

“You might also choose to have somebody come in to assist with grocery shopping once a week,” Claire adds. This can ease the burden of carrying shopping from the supermarket if you don’t drive. 

Example package of services – Level Two

Home Care Package: Level three
People approved for a level three Home Care Package can expect double the amount of funding of a level two package. The value currently comes to $34,550* for a 12-month period, equating to around 19 hours of services each month and is for someone described as having intermediate needs. 

“Generally, the big change we'll find is that someone on a level three package has been assessed at that level because they do have care needs that are greater than somebody on a level two. Sometimes that’s because they are experiencing mobility issues or managing a health condition,” Claire says. 

Common service inclusions on a level three package are personal care services, which might include assistance with showering, dressing, grooming or toileting. Sometimes personal care can just mean having a care worker present as you shower, for peace of mind. 

“You might be a little worried about safety in the shower and want someone nearby, or you might need a bit of assistance getting dressed. Our care staff are incredibly kind, compassionate and discreet in the support they provide,” Claire says. 

People approved for a level three package may also have allied health services as part of their support plan. “At that time there may be more of a need for allied health services, such as physio or podiatry. You may have had a fall and these services may help you maintain or enjoy greater mobility and independence,” Claire says. 

Example package of services – level 3

Are you thinking about a Home Care Package?
Home care funding can be complex – but Australian Unity's knowledgeable team can assist. 

If you've recently been approved for Home Care Package funding, their friendly and knowledgeable team can help you understand what a package of services could look like based on your approved level and individual needs and goals.

Or if you’re just getting started, they can help you understand your funding options and even assist with a referral to My Aged Care.

Australian Unity employs thousands of care workers, nurses and allied health professionals, with the aim of providing consistent, high-quality care to their customers – whatever their needs or goals.

For guidance, enquire online at https://www.australianunity.com.au/assisted-living/home-services/contact-us.

Images: Supplied

This is a sponsored article produced in partnership with Australian Unity.

Australian Unity, Home Care Package, Claire Watson