Sahar Mourad

World first: paratriathlete bungee jumps from 50m in wheelchair

An Aussie paratriathlete has become the first to bungee jump from a whopping 50m while in a wheelchair.

Rohan Sills, a former carpenter, became paralysed following a serious workplace incident that saw him fall three metres down a stairwell at a construction site in 2019.

Three years later, Rohan continues to refuse to allow his condition to stop him from doing what he loves. 

He has now broken the previous record of bungee jumping from 50m while in a wheelchair thanks to Sky Park in Cairns. 

Several thrilling videos were shared to Rohan’s Instagram showing his excitement to roll his wheelchair off the rooftop. 

“First ever wheelchair bungee jump off the roof in Australia and it was epic!” he wrote.

“Massive shout out to the crew @skyparkcairns for making it possible. If you’re interested in giving it a go then give them a call and they will do their best to help you out.”

Fans were left in awe at his bravery and commended him for not giving up on his dreams.

“Man you are the real hero because you are chasing your own dreams. God will give you the power,” one wrote. 

“This is superrrrr inspiring! What a lovely spirit!” another commented.

“Congratulations!!! It looks amazing!” someone else wrote.

Rohan did another bungee jump last year at the same park but this time wanted to go higher. 

Images: Instagram

Rohan Sills, paratriathlete, bungee jump, wheelchair