Michelle Reed

5 celebrities who have hearing loss

Hearing loss can make you feel alone and self-conscious, but it’s important to remember it affects everyone, even the rich and famous. Here we list five celebrities who suffer from hearing loss.

1. Bill Clinton

This former US President attributes his hearing loss to years of exposure to loud rock music, hunting rifles and political rallies. During an annual physical in 1997, in the midst of his second term in office, he was formally diagnosed with high frequency hearing loss and fitted for completely-in-canal hearing aids. 

2. Whoopi Goldberg

In 2011, Whoopi Goldberg made her private struggle with hearing loss public, telling the National Enquirer, “I attribute my own hearing loss – which, by the way, is suffered by thousands of people in varying degrees – to years and years of listening to music so loudly and so close to the delicate ear drum.” Goldberg wears hearing aids to help her hear low tones.

3. William Shatner

A special effects explosion on the set of Star Trek left William Shatner suffering from tinnitus since the 1960s. He says “There were days when I didn’t know if I would survive the agony [because] I was so tormented by the screeching in my head.” He eventually sought professional help and his condition has improved.

4. Ludwig van Beethoven

One of the most famous composers of all time, Beethoven started to lose his hearing around the age of 26 while also experiencing severe tinnitus. During his career, he continued to compose with the help of hearing aids, however, not long before he passed away he lost his hearing completely.

In fact, at the end of his Ninth Symphony premiere, he was unable to hear the audience's applause, and someone had to turn him around to witness it, after which he sobbed. Some say Beethoven's loss of high frequency hearing influenced his emphasis on middle and lower frequency notes in later works.

5. Eric Clapton

Another music legend, Eric Clapton was once renowned for his loud live sets and would simply declare to those who complained, “That’s the way I play.” Unfortunately, his penchant for turning up the volume is the reason he has tinnitus today. 

Related links:

Can you trust your ears?

Childhood illnesses linked to hearing loss

3 best online hearing tests

health, hearing, tinnitus, Ears, Celebrities