Finding the right hearing aids for your needs
Choosing the right hearing aid is a personal decision. It should address your specific hearing concerns and your lifestyle. Here are a number of factors to consider to make sure you choose the right ones for you.
Degree and frequency of hearing loss
Some styles are suited to certain degrees or frequency of hearing loss. Since hearing loss encompasses a range of damage to the ear, it’s important that you choose a hearing aid that targets the damaged area.
Lifestyle needs
You should consider what your current lifestyle needs from your hearing aids. If you are an outdoor person, you may opt for hearing aids that have some wind protection technology, while people who work in busy environments might choose an aid that minimises background noise.
Related link - The different types of hearing loss explained
Hearing aids have become more sophisticated with new technologies designed to target specific hearing problems. Features like feedback management system reduces the whistling sound that bothered many hearing aid users before while others let you manually alter the direction that sound is amplified. Talk to your hearing specialist for the range of options available.
Hearing aids are meant to be worn consistently, so it’s important you feel comfortable wearing them. Gone are the days of big clunky hearing aids too, today they come in all different shapes, sizes, styles and colours.
The costs of hearing aids will invariably come into play. The most expensive hearing aids are not necessarily the best choice for you, but it’s also important not to choose ones just because it’s the least expensive. Making sure your hearing aid suits your particularly hearing loss needs is most important as to ensure you wear them consistently.
Connect Hearing offers an online assessment you can do yourself to find what type of hearing aid will be suit you.
Related links:
The dos and don’ts of caring for your hearing aids
Why hearing tests are so important
What you should know about the growing hearing loss epidemic