Ben Squires

5 easy ways to catch a liar according to a CIA agent

We’ve all experienced that creepy feeling in conversation when it feels like the person we’re talking to isn’t being completely honest, but some people are so adept that spinning webs of deceptions that it can be difficult to tell if they’re actually lying.

But you can actually spot a liar relatively easily, if you know what to look for.

In an interview with Daily Mail Online, former CIA agent Jason Hanson explains how you can spot a liar by being on the lookout for the five following tell-tale signs:

  1. They take too long to answer questions
  2. They freeze up
  3. They say no, but nod yes
  4. They recommend a lenient punishment for the guilty party
  5. They overreact to being questioned

As Hanson explains, “As human beings we are terrible liars. So if you ask someone a question such as: "Have you stolen something?" or "Have you done drugs?" and they sit there and they hem and they haw, and it takes them time, that means they are buying time to come up with a lie.”

Have you ever encountered something like this? What are your tips for figuring out if someone is lying to you? Let us know in the comments.

Video credit: Daily Mail Online

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health, mind, CIA, liar