Melody Teh

8 tips for writing for the web

Have you recently started blogging about one of your hobbies? Or maybe you’ve started a new business and created a website to get the word out there? It’s great you’re part of the online world but the next step is to think about your writing. One important factor to remember is writing for the web is very different to other types of writing. Unlike a book or even a newspaper where people read cover-to-cover, people who browse the web scan and skim the text. A study by Nielsen Norman Group found only 16 per cent of users actually read online copy while 79 per cent scanned it. It is vital then that you tailor your writing to the habits of online readers so you can gain and keep your readers. Here are 8 handy tips to help you get started.

1. Make your content scan-worthy

If you clicked on a page on the web and a big chunk of text was loaded, would you want to read it? Probably not, right? So make your content visually appealing and scan worthy by having headings, subheadings, lists and short paragraphs.

2. Know your audience

Your blog or website will be targeting a specific audience so ensure you are writing for them. What are their needs? What are their wants? What do they come to your website or blog to find?

3. Be friendly and conversational

Imagine you are telling your information to a friend. Don’t write words you would never say aloud but most importantly, address your web audience like you would in real life

4. Keep it short and simple

Most people looking for information on the web aren’t going to be bothered to read an essay. Keep the word-count short and to the point. And make sure to keep it simple. If the point you are trying to make is too complex to follow, people will give up and stop reading.

5. Use visuals and images

Photos and pictures are just as important as text in the online world. They will make your page more enjoyable for someone to look at and read. Just make sure your images are relevant and adds value to your writing though.

6. Put the most important information first

The most important information should always be “front and centre”. Even if people only read the first paragraph, they will still understand what your post is all about.

8. Stay on topic

Many people who look up information on the internet are searching for specific topics. If they have to sift through a lot of irrelevant information to find what they are looking for they will most likely abandon your article. If your topic is broad, consider separating it into a few articles rather than trying to include all your information in one long article.

8. Write with authority 

Would you listen to someone who doesn’t seem like they know what they’re talking about? You are the authority on your subject so don’t be afraid to write confidently and assertively. Give your readers a reason to trust what you are saying.

If you have a blog or business website it would be worthwhile to taking a course on writing for the web. Open Universities Australia offers a Web Publishing degree which will teach you to effectively write and present information on the internet.

Education, Writing, Open Universities Ausralia