Alex O'Brien

The incredible story behind a 95-year-old’s age-defying brain

Olga Kotelko wasn’t your ordinary 95-year-old. Having begun competitive athletics at 77, Kotelko was still winning international events in the years before her death in 2014. Throughout her career, she won more than 750 gold medals. So, what was her secret?

Aga Burzynska, a US neuroscientist, was fascinated by Kotelko’s story. Studies conducted on the nonagenarian at the age of 93 showed a remarkably youthful looking brain which could perform remarkably youthful mental tasks. "Looking at the structure of her brain, I would not have been able to say she was 93. I would have placed her in her 60s,” Burzynska told Prevention.

Kotelko grew up working on her Ukrainian immigrant parents’ farm in Canada with 10 siblings before becoming a school teacher. Researchers believe the reason Kotelko’s brain was so healthy at such a late age was not only due to her love of exercise, but the fact that she was continuously setting herself challenges and never stopped learning new things.

Barb Vida, Kotelko’s personal trainer whom she credits in her memoir for her athletic success, offers some advice to over 60s wanting to take on a new physical challenge:

  1. Don’t overdo it – Vida says she slowly built up Kotelko’s strength, balance and coordination with aqua aerobics before moving into more vigorous exercises.
  2. Relax – Vida recommends yoga as a great way to release any physical or mental tension. "If you are able to calm your mind, you'll be able to relax and stretch your muscles further."
  3. Do your research – Before taking on the world of athletics, Kotelko watched competitions and read up on activities such as discus and javelin.

Image: Patrik Giardino

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health, ageing, brain, olga kotelko