Ben Squires

Can you spell the winning word from the junior spelling bee?

It was a big week for Lena Zhu, who was officially crowned New South Wales 2017 Best Junior Speller. The nine-year-old out-spelled 44 finalists from all around the state to claim the prestigious prize, but how do you think you would’ve gone?

Could you have spelled the winning word, “irrevocable”?

Lena got the word perfect (I-R-R-E-V-O-C-A-B-L-E) and claimed the prize in the biggest state final of the Premier’s Spelling Bee since the competition was introduced in 2004.

“My dad helped me practise and I read lots of books,” Lena said.

NSW premier Gladys Berejicklian acknowledged the difficulty of the competition which had many children spelling out words they’d never even heard before.

“I did misspell a few of them,” Gladys Berejicklian admitted. “I think I definitely would have had a few of them wrong.”

Do you think you would’ve got the winning word?

Image credit: Twitter / ABC Sydney

Health, Mind, Lena Zhu, Spelling, Premier Spelling Bee, Best Junior Speller