
How to stay healthy when dining buffet style

When it comes to dining out, a buffet can be a tempting and exciting option for many reasons, not least the “all you can eat” factor. Aside from the plentiful food, the bevvy of options mean that there’s usually something on offer for just about everyone. And don’t get us started on the dessert options. But it’s important to not let things get out of hand when you’re staring down a buffet. So let’s look at some tips to help you sensibly attack the situation.

Go plate-free for your first lap

Take a couple of minutes to peruse the options without a plate so that you can assess what’s on offer. Scout out the healthier options and then decide which of the naughtier foods you just can’t pass up.

Plan, plate, portion control

For your first trip (yes, you should plan for more than one spin around the dance floor with this particular partner), try to fill about two thirds of your plate with healthy things. Use the rest of the space for those decadent things you scouted on your recon mission.


When that first plate is empty, take the time to sit back and enjoy the wonderful company you’ve no doubt brought along with you. Drink a glass of water and wait a full five minutes before returning to the buffet for round two. If, after those five minutes, you find that you’re full, then chalk this one up as a victory to Mr Buffet, and don’t insist on “getting your money’s worth” with another plateful.

Don’t cave to peer pressure

Just because the person sitting across from you is going up for a third helping doesn’t mean you should follow suit. Know your limits and stick to them.

Dance with dessert

It’s time for dessert. So you should repeat the first two tips – go plate-free first, then plan your attack. Try to include some fresh fruit, and avoid too much refined sugar. We all love cakes, puddings, and ice cream, but you’ll probably regret overdoing it later.

diet, healthy eating, health, food, wellbeing