Ben Squires

6 evening rituals for a stress-free life

Most people know the importance of starting the day the right, but the best way to ensure that is not just with a morning ritual, but an evening one as well. By making sure we go to bed with a calm and collected mind, we’ll be well on our way to waking up in the best possible frame of mind the next day. Here are six of the best evening rituals to ensure a stress-free night, every night.

1. Reflect on your day

If you go to bed in a bad mood, expect to wake up on the wrong side of bed tomorrow. Take some time at night to reflect on the day and then consciously decide to let the past be the past. Instead think about what you want to achieve the next day – narrow it down to one simple achievable goal.

2. Create a bedroom sanctuary

Considering we spend around a third of our lives in our bedrooms, we should make our bedroom environment as comfortable and calming as possible. Get rid of distractions and create a sanctuary where the sole purpose (at night, at least) is to help you drift off to sleep.

3. Prepare your food

If you know you’ve got a busy day tomorrow, prepare you food beforehand so you won’t have to rush around the next morning. Plus, with more time on hand, you can make nutritious meals instead of potentially slipping and grabbing something easy on-the-go.

4. Meditate

Meditation has long helped people the world over calm their busy minds and focus their attention on appreciating the present. Not convinced? Read our article on why meditation is good for your mind and body. 

5. Stretch

Dedicate a few minutes each night to stretch your body and let go of the tension- both physically and mentally. Breathing deeply while stretching helps relax the mind and body, ensuring you’re on the path to a good night’s sleep.

6. Be inspired

Set your night on the right note by reading/watching/doing something you know will get you inspired. Whatever it is – listening to your favourite song, watching a funny video, reading a heart-warming story – the goal is to go to bed inspired for the day ahead.

Related links:

10 ways to bring good vibes in your life

Making lists can boost your health

8 ways to be a good person today


health, sleep, mind, stress, mental