Michelle Reed

How to time the perfect nap

According to one expert health guru, Dr Kenny Brockis, having a power nap at this time not only boosts productivity and re-energises us for the day, but also our overall happiness levels.

However, while sleeping may seem like a straight forward and easy thing to do, it’s actually harder to achieve than most realise. The secret to a successful power nap was the timing and the hour of the day that people did it.

“Early afternoon or lunch is the ideal time to power nap,” she said.

“I would suggest people sleep for around 25 minutes only…Any longer and you’ll fall into a deeper sleep and will wake up feeling much worse.

Going beyond this time means it will be harder to rouse out of sleep and you’ll probably go into sleep inertia.

She explains that each sleep cycle lasts around 60 to 90 minutes and we needed between four and six of these a night to feel totally refreshed.

She also advises that you take your nap in a room with the blinds closed or somewhere dark and to switch your phone off or leave it away from you if you can.

Do you enjoy a daily afternoon nap? Let us know in the comments below. 

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advice, health, sleep, Doctor, nap