Danielle McCarthy

Introverts share these 6 special personality traits

Introverts are too often slapped with the “loner” label, but if you are one – or know one – you’ll know that’s not quite true. Sure, they like to spend time alone, but they also rely on their small but close circle of loved ones.

Here, we’re taking a look at the six personality traits shared by introverts that make them such special people.

1. Strong boundaries

Introverts respect the boundaries of others – and expect to have theirs respected in turn. These firm boundaries might make it a bit harder to break through and get to know them, but once they let you in, you might just find they’re one of the most interesting people you’ve ever met.

2. Loyalty

If you’re close with an introvert, chances are you’ll be close with them for life. Introverts choose their friends wisely and don’t waste time with people who don’t “get” them. If you’re one of the lucky chosen ones, rest assured that you can always depend on your introverted loved one – once they find that rare someone they click with, they don’t want to put that relationship in jeopardy.

3. Open-mindedness

Just because they like their own company doesn’t mean introverts aren’t willing to meet new people and try new things. They’re creative, imaginative, and always full of new ideas. In turn, they’re also receptive to the ideas of others, and always willing to give something a try at least once.

4. Level-headedness

The independent introvert doesn’t rely on the opinions of others to make decisions or judgements. Their self-reflective nature gives them the tools to weigh different options up rationally and logically. Going it alone comes at a price, though, and to avoid feeling stressed or overwhelmed in these situations, introverts often need to spend some time alone to reboot.

5. Values time

No one wants to waste time, but for an introvert, time is one of the most valuable resources. They hate wasting time with slow people or unnecessary tasks. Not only to their value their own time, but others too. As a result, they’re rarely late and become frustrated when others are.

6. Observant

Given their reserved nature, introverts learn a lot by observing those around them. They prefer to learn information and skills independently, by trial and error and by watching others, and the same can be said for their approach to making new friends. Because of this, they’re naturally empathic and always in-tune with the emotions of others.

Tell us in the comments below, are you an introvert – or do you know one? Do you find these traits to be accurate?

mind, traits, Personality, share, six, speical, introverts