Melody Teh

Poem captures what it’s like to get older

Carol Burrows, 78, is an amateur writer and poet.

It’s A Great Life

Life sometimes makes you sick

mother nature plays dirty tricks

now days I droop and sag

like a well-used vacuum bag.


Lines and hollows by the miles

a road map invades my dial

not so very nice to see

but behind it all I’m still me.


My hair turned white over night

it’s quite a scary sight

blue eyes have faded fast

well hidden though behind the glass


sunken cheeks sunken lips

the fat has shifted to my hips

turkey neck what the heck

I’m just an ageing wreck.


the clothes I wear help to cover

the parts I endeavour to keep under

long pants loose dresses hide the bulge

that time has added to my package


no more hot pants, minis or bikinis

leave those things to the tweenies

granny dresses and scarves are neater

on stiletto heels I no longer teeter


I might look slightly jaded

the bloom of youth has long since faded

but give me a good old game of scrabble

I’ll bet I’ll beat you under the table.


A life well lived with plenty of fun

and too many hours spent in the sun

I’ve enjoyed each moment of love and laughter

who knows when I leave what comes after.

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ageing, mind, Community contributor, Poem, Getting older