Ben Squires

The science behind optimists vs pessimists

Are you an optimist who always sees the glass half full, or a pessimist who always sees a glass half empty? Whatever the case, your outlook may be out of your control.

In one of their videos, ASAPScience pose the question: Can science explain your emotional perspective and outlook on life?

As it turns out, our genetics influence how we view the world. But don’t think that a sunny outlook is always best, with studies showing that pessimist generally have a longer lifespan than optimists. As the video points out, both outlooks come with their own sets of pros and cons. Find out what they are in the video above.

Related links:

10 sure-fire ways to make today a great day

Your definition of happiness changes with age

7 mental shifts to get yourself out of a rut


health, mind, video, mental, optimism