
Start exercising at any age

If you haven’t exercised in awhile, getting back into the swing of things can be intimidating. You may not know where to start or even how to initiate things. Fret not however! Kick starting a simple, effective exercise routine doesn’t have to be tricky or intimidating. Here’s our best advice for getting back in the exercise saddle.

Find something fun
Exercise doesn’t have to be hard, gruelling work. Finding something you enjoy doing is the key to a long lasting and effective routine. Swimming, walking, cycling even yoga or tai chi are all wonderful ways to keep fit while meeting new people and enjoying yourself.

Take it slow and steady
If it’s been awhile since you last exercised, starting off too radically can put a lot of unnecessary stress on your body leading to illness or injury. It can be tempting to launch right in but try and stick to a moderate pace and time frame of around 20 minutes when you first get started. Speaking with a qualified health professional is a great way to kick things off properly with advice tailored to meet your specific circumstances.

Use your diary
You may be retired but there’s a strong possibility you’re as busy as you ever were. Scheduling in your exercise sessions not only allows you to plan your week effectively it also gives you the extra initiative to make them happen.

Enlist your friends
While exercising solo is sometimes unavoidable, adding in a social aspect can make things all the more enjoyable. Those who exercise with their peers or in groups are shown to stick to a program longer than those who train by themselves all the time. Try finding a group exercise program in your area or grabbing some like-minded buddies to start walking or cycling with.

You are what you eat
While not directly exercise related, what you fuel your body with plays a significant role in the energy you’ll have available for working out. Including a variety of whole, fresh produce and minimising processed food is the easiest way to get your diet ship shape quickly and easily.

Take advice from the experts
Jack LaLanne is often referred to as the Godfather of health and fitness. Still physically very active in his 80s, his top tips for a healthy life are as follows:

exercise, health, wellbeing, Naomi Cotterill