Ben Squires
Beauty & Style

3 beauty habits that are ageing you

We’ve all experienced the “if a little bit is good then a lot must be even better” philosophy when it comes to beauty products and procedures. If weekly facial exfoliation is good, then wouldn’t daily be even better? Unfortunately it doesn’t always work that way and certain beauty habits when either used too frequently or not carried out properly can end up causing more harm than good. Here are three beauty rituals to scale back to avoid damage and stall the ageing process.

We’ve all experienced the “if a little bit is good then a lot must be even better” philosophy when it comes to beauty products and procedures. If weekly facial exfoliation is good, then wouldn’t daily be even better? Unfortunately it doesn’t always work that way and certain beauty habits when either used too frequently or not carried out properly can end up causing more harm than good. Here are three beauty rituals to scale back to avoid damage and stall the ageing process.

  1. Over exfoliating – We know that gentle exfoliation with the correct products is great for the skin and slowing down the ageing process. Over zealous application or using a harsh, granule based product however won’t do your complexion any favours leaving it irritated and oily. For immediate relief you can apply an over the counter 1% hydrocortisone cream to soothe inflammation while supplementing this with a switch to gentle, fragrance free products. Longer term, try using a chemical (as opposed to physical) exfoliator. These products use acids like AHA’s to gentle buff away dead cells instead of physically scrubbing them off.
  2. Whitening your teeth – At-home teeth whitening kits have come a long way and are more effective than ever before. Unfortunately that also means they are more likely to cause damage if over used or used incorrectly. Teeth whitening kits use peroxide to remove stains. Applying this caustic chemical too often or in large amounts can lead to sensitive teeth, porous tooth enamel and irritated gums. For immediate relief, stop whitening and switch to a potassium nitrate based toothpaste like Sensodyne. Spreading a fluoride based paste over your teeth and leaving overnight can also help rebuild the enamel. Longer term, limit whitening to once every 6 months and follow the directions explicitly.
  3. Scraping your feet – There’s nothing quite as satisfying as really going to town with a pumice stone or foot file. Unfortunately, those instant results can be a touch addictive, leading to frequent over scrubbing or attacks with a blade based foot implement. Pumice stones are also a breeding ground for bacteria making them an infection waiting to happen. For immediate relief, apply an antibacterial cream to the broken skin and cover with a bandage for protection until healed. Longer term try investing in a stainless steel foot file which can be sterilised regularly and always scrub in the shower where skin will be softer and damage less likely to occur. 

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beauty, ageing, lifestyle, Beauty & Style, Naomi Cotterill, Beauty habits