Beauty & Style

Championing confidence at the salon for those facing cancer

When it comes to facing cancer, it's can often be hard to find support and understanding from people when your physical appearance can be changing. A salon day can do the world of good for anyone, especially for people going through a hard time. But for those dealing with cancer, their wants and needs at the hairdresser can be different than other clientele.

Thankfully, Look Good Feel Better Australia are here to support those on their cancer journey to look their best in the face of their health battle, 

From August 1st, the team at Look Good Feel better Australia have launched their latest initiative; Style For Cancer. Created to unite the beauty, grooming and styling industry as a force for good, the initiative will help raise vital funds for the Look Good Feel BeIer program while giving service providers the opportunity to build their knowledge and position as part of an invaluable support system to those undergoing treatment for cancer.

The new initiative caters to both the consumer, or the “Style Seeker”, and the expert, known as the “Style Maker”.

Style Makers who sign up to take part in Style For Cancer will be provided with materials to help them better understand the common side effects of cancer treatment, and advice on language to use and avoid, in order to more sensitively and compassionately support their clients as they navigate diagnosis and treatment. 

The directory of participating Style Makers will be available to all Style Seekers, allowing them to choose salons and service providers who have a better understanding of what they may be experiencing if they are undergoing cancer treatment, while also knowing they are choosing a business who is consciously supporting the important work of the Look Good Feel Better program.

General Manager of Look Good Feel Better, Carol Kavurma, shares the passion and excitement around the launch of Style For Cancer which will provide a way for the industry to feel more empowered while further connecting with their local communities.

“Having 34 years of incredible knowledge behind us, when looking at the Australian beauty, grooming and style industries, we saw an opportunity to make salon appointments less daunting and more comfortable for those undergoing life altering treatments,” said Carol.

“Everybody deserves to feel excited and uplifted after a trip to the hairdresser, nail salon or when sitting in the makeup chair – it’s the whole premise of the Look Good Feel Better program – and those undergoing cancer treatment are no different."

“To help service providers – or Style Makers - feel the same excitement and confidence when working with their clients makes the Style for Cancer initiative even more important, and one we hope will be welcomed with open arms within the industry and the broader community,” she said.

Look Good Feel Better program participant and Style Seeker, Jodie Strong, who underwent an array of cancer treatments says the physical and mental sensitivities during treatment are challenging, and while there is some support for mental recovery, the information and resources available for physical recovery are far less abundant.

“During treatment, particularly chemo, I didn’t have the confidence to book in any services. After my active treatments were complete, while most service providers were sensitive and careful in the way they approached me and their language with me, I was usually the one to share what worked and didn’t work for me in my recovery rather than the salon or styling professional. I think that’s from a lack of awareness in the industry around this area, so as I was never quite sure what the right thing to do or not to do was,” explains Jodie.

“An important part of recovery from cancer is your feelings of self-worth and being able to take care of your body both mentally and physically. There are a lot of resources in the area of mental recovery, however not as much is available on the physical side of things."

“Style For Cancer is an important initiative to bring awareness and some education to the physical side of recovery and help patients both during and post-treatment access services to help them feel more comfortable in their recovery.”

Michael Kelly, Founder and Creatvve Director at Salon HER believes there is room for industry professionals to improve conversation and bolster skills for listening, empathising and creating a safe environment for clients trying to navigate cancer diagnosis and treatment.

“I think language and the wholistic therapy side of the conversation could definitely improve. Not everyone has the resources to be able to hold space for another human in a very vulnerable stage of their life."

"Style For Cancer is an obvious cause for me to be part of as I have lost family members I love to cancer, I’ve had family members recover from cancer, and I’ve supported clients who I care for deeply through some of their darkest days. It’s an initiative close to my heart.”

Style For Cancer fundraising activities will take place in participating businesses Australia-wide during the month of August, however the Style Maker directory and registration in the initiative are available year-round.

All funds raised through the Style For Cancer initiative will directly support the Look Good Feel Better program, with each $100 raised allowing one participant to benefit from the program, free-of-charge.

Image credits: Shutterstock 

beauty & style, cancer, salon, hair